dog days

[dɔɡ deɪz]
  • 释义
  • (七、八月间的)三伏天;炎暑;暑天;伏署;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    These are the dog days ; watermelons are just in season.


  • 2、

    The dog days of August are upon us.


  • 3、

    How have you been getting through the dog days?


  • 4、

    Of or relating to the dog days.


  • 5、

    The summers are getting colder. What ever happened to the dog days I remember from my youth?

    夏天越来越冷了. 我从年轻时就记得的大热天空间到哪儿去了 呢 ?

  • 6、

    This is now known in New Zealand as dog days off.


  • 7、

    Three dog days of summer, the grass behind the monastery had a large brown.

    三伏天, 禅院的草地枯黄了一大片.

  • 8、

    It was not easy to carry such a heavy load, and during the dog days.

    扛这么重的东西很不容易, 更何况这么热的天呢.

  • 9、

    I do not know how I go through those dog days.

